Friendly little town 
January 24, 2011

My car died in the middle of the intersection on the way to work this morning. Yes, not how I wanted to have my day start. 

Learned a lot though...people must be pretty darn one even stopped to see if I needed help. Three town trucks even passed by...that "safety first" on the side of their trucks doesn't apply if you are in the middle of an intersection I guess.  Even a police officer drove right by...chivalry is dead!


Although I did get a lot of people that pulled up behind me...and once they realized I wasn't going to move (I'm betting the hazard lights gave it away) they threw their arms up at me, so at least I knew I wasn't invisible. I was really starting to get concerned about that. When they drove past and glared at me, as if thinking I really wanted to be stranded in the middle of the intersection, I'd like to think that was there way of saying have a good day.

At least my husband came to get me, right before my tears froze to my cheeks. Kidding, sort of. My knight in shining...wait, ok somewhat rusty pick-up truck...but hey my knight none the less! Whoo Hoo! Made it through Monday! 

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