Oh I love me a good DIY craft! Especially one that I can pamper myself with or give away as gifts. 

One of my favorite things to make are these essential oil roller bottle blends. They smell soooo Ah-Mazing!

I'm not an essential oil nut, maybe an obsession perhaps, but I do enjoy making my own lip balms, roller bottle blends, rooms sprays and other fun stuff. BONUS: read through to the end for an awesome DIY lip balm recipe!

Today I thought I would share a few of my favorite roller bottle blends with you. 

For all of the recipes you will simply add in your essential oils, fill with carrier oil, cap, and your done! Super simple!

Please take note: after you put in your drops and you are adding your carrier oil, remember to leave room for the roller ball cap. I usually fill up to the bottom of the threading on the bottle, so just where the bottle starts to get smaller. You don't want your precious oils to get squeezed out and wasted when you put on the roller ball.

Relax roller bottle blend

15 drops Lavender
10 drops Cedarwood
Fill with carrier oil

I use this blend every night or when I just need to wind down and relax a bit. 

I also love Lavender and Chamomile together and have a pillow mist that I use every night. 

Headache be Gone! roller bottle blend


10 drops Peppermint

5 drops Panaway

5 drops Lavender
10 ml roller bottle
Fill with carrier Oil

You can also use Frankincense and Copiaba in place of the Panaway.

My Scent roller bottle blend

This is a perfume blend and it smells Ah-Mazing! Seriously, every time I wear this people always say, "Ohhhh, I love your scent! What is that?!" You can see where I got the name.

20 drops Abundance
10 drops Lavender
10 ml roller bottle
Fill with carrier oil

Abundance contains: Orange, Frankincense, Patchouli (one of my favs!), Clove, Ginger, Myrrh, Cinnamon Bark, and Spruce. It actually is wonderful just on it's own, but I am a Lavender lover so I use it in a lot of my blends.  

Valor roller bottle blend

Valor is another great oil and I use this one in a roller bottle as well. Listen, roller bottle blends are a great way to stretch your oils. They aren't cheap ya'll! So whenever I can, I do.
To me Valor is having strength of mind and spirit, facing your fears with bravery and courage, and being bold by stepping out of your comfort zone.

20-25 drops Valor10 ml roller bottle Fill with carrier oil

OK so I know this post is about roller bottle blends, BUT I also wanted to share my favorite lip balm recipe with you! I mean, it is perfect lip balm weather! Brrr!

Peppermint Lip Balm

Note: I buy most of my ingredients from Amazon, just do a search. 
1 tbsp. Shea Butter
1 tbsp. Coconut Oil (I bought organic from our local grocery store)
1 tbsp. Beeswax Pellets (so much easier to work with than the bricks!)
1 tbsp. Sweet Almond Oil
1/4 tsp. Vitamin E Oil

10-15 drops Peppermint essential oil (I used 15)

for these next few items I have included links to help.

Combine shea butter, coconut oil, beeswax, and almond oil in a glass measuring cup. Place the glass into a pot with shallow water on the stove and melt. Bringing to a simmer, not a boil. Stirring every 30 seconds. Temp should get to 175 degrees.
Once fully melted remove from heat. Be careful, that glass is hot! I also use plastic disposable droppers to fill tubes, less mess this way. Now, add Vitamin E oil and Peppermint essential oil, mix well and pour immediately into lip balm tubes or small jars.

Let cool and cap! This recipe makes approx. 8-10 lip balm tubes.

Enjoy! And remember to give someone a hug today!

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