Centering thoughts...Inner peace...Living in the here an now.
Oh yea, much easier said than done!
With everyday life going past us in a high speed blur of appointments, work, kids, family life, the unexpected, stress, priorities, financial burdens, you name it. Multi-tasking!
Deep breath in...and out... Whooooo!
OK, so how do we prioritize? Separate what's truly important? Focus on the here and now?
I have no flipping idea!
I recently started a mediation course and what I am learning is that I am spending way too much time worrying about "stuff". It's supposed to be a 20 minute course once a day, for 21 days, I get through 10 minutes!
Living in the here and now...I don't have time for "that!"
I just found myself doing 4 days in one because I got an email saying they missed me. Ugh! So, I rushed through it, took notes, breezed through so I could get caught up, skipped over the actual meditation part and then sat back and went...wait...that's not how I was supposed to do that!
But I was in such a hurry to get back to my "tasks" for the day, I just couldn't take time for me.
How is that relaxing? How am I tuning into my inner self? How am I living in the here and now?
I'm NOT!
It's like sometimes I'm going through my day tuned into the wrong radio station, or somewhere in between where it's all fuzzy. I need to find my station and tune myself in.
So, what do we do? How do we tune into the here and now? It's not that easy.
I cannot tell you how many times one of my kids is trying to talk to me and I have unconsciously tuned them out. Not because I don't want to hear what they have to say, but because I'm not really "with them" right then and there. I'm on that fuzzy station again, you know that loud annoying voice in our heads.
Earth to mom! Did you even here what I just said?
Ummmm can you just repeat it?
I'm either in the past beating myself up for the mistakes I've made along the way or thinking about the future and how I can't control what is going to happen in my life. Focusing on my past mistakes or worrying about the unknown, it's not a great place to be. It shouldn't be that hard to tune in and focus on the here and now. So why is it?
Everyday tasks, listening to that noisy voice that is non stop in our heads, not our inner spirit. We are filled with self doubt and anxiety of what we can't control. It pulls us away from what is truly for today, this moment...right here!
It's time to yell it from the mountain tops...I'm living in the moment from here on out! I'm tuning in folks!
Part of the meditation series I'm doing, although I haven't truly committed to the meditation part yet, is listening to some inspiring words prior to taking the time to meditate.
My excuse, "I don't have enough time to do that." When, actually, time is all we really have. It's just how we choose to use it. Whether or not time controls us or we take control of time and become in sync with it.
Starting out taking just 10 minutes a day to do something for you, something centering, something to get you grounded in the here and now. Let the outside world melt away and focus on your inner peace.
For me, I need to start a routine, maybe 10 minutes in the morning with no distractions or interruptions, not on my phone, just being in the moment. Maybe that will lead to me taking the time to actually "meditate" during my meditation series and take the full 20 minutes. I mean come on, 20 minutes, for me, that's not being greedy or selfish, but I tend to feel that way sometimes.
What naturally tunes you in? What gets you grounded?
For me it's several things.
When I am meandering around our property, taking a walk in the park, or enjoying a quiet moment outdoors, everything else melts away and I am able to focus and enjoy the moment.
Now, I might pause to take a lot of pictures, but that centers me. The unfinished tasks, the unpaid bill I was worrying about, the unknown future, just doesn't seem as important anymore. I just don't do this often enough.
Two words...unconditional love.When I'm having a hard day, I always know going out to the barn to visit the horses, taking the dogs out for a game of catch, just sitting with a cat in my lap for a few minutes....they just melt my anxiety away.
However, often, I don't just enjoy the moment, I find a task to go along with it. Shovel stalls instead of just enjoying the beautiful creature in front of me. Pick weeds in between ball throws with the dog. Constantly multi-tasking, constantly distracted...squirrel!
My family...
They keep me grounded...they complete me, they make me laugh, they bring me joy, they make my heart full, and I am my happiest when we are all together. But with lives going in so many different directions, it is not always easy getting the quality time with them (or alone time with my husband) that I crave. But I treasure the moments we do get.
I am a constant work in progress, just ask my family. But as the years go by, the older I get, I am realizing more and more that I am in control of a lot more than I think.
I just need to train myself (and my husband!) to take more time, even 10 minutes, focusing on being in the moment, living in the here and now. Not multi-tasking. Tiny steps toward inner peace.
It's learning to say no to all the stuff that is taking up our precious days, hours, and minutes. Those things that are not truly what you are being called to do. Listening to our inner spirit not the noisy voice in our heads telling us to do this or do that, bringing up old hurts, or making us focus on the future that we can't control.
Putting time back on our side and leading a fulfilled life based on our inner spirit and not the outer world. Finding what grounds us and not being controlled by time but being in sync with it.
Wow, that sounds incredibly hard when I see it written out, but I'm going to take it 10 minutes at a time (20 once I start the actual meditating part!) and make a conscious effort to truly, live in the here and now.
Who's with me?!
Oh yea, much easier said than done!
With everyday life going past us in a high speed blur of appointments, work, kids, family life, the unexpected, stress, priorities, financial burdens, you name it. Multi-tasking!
Deep breath in...and out... Whooooo!
OK, so how do we prioritize? Separate what's truly important? Focus on the here and now?
I have no flipping idea!
I recently started a mediation course and what I am learning is that I am spending way too much time worrying about "stuff". It's supposed to be a 20 minute course once a day, for 21 days, I get through 10 minutes!
Living in the here and now...I don't have time for "that!"
I just found myself doing 4 days in one because I got an email saying they missed me. Ugh! So, I rushed through it, took notes, breezed through so I could get caught up, skipped over the actual meditation part and then sat back and went...wait...that's not how I was supposed to do that!
But I was in such a hurry to get back to my "tasks" for the day, I just couldn't take time for me.
How is that relaxing? How am I tuning into my inner self? How am I living in the here and now?
I'm NOT!
It's like sometimes I'm going through my day tuned into the wrong radio station, or somewhere in between where it's all fuzzy. I need to find my station and tune myself in.
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Ommmmm |
I cannot tell you how many times one of my kids is trying to talk to me and I have unconsciously tuned them out. Not because I don't want to hear what they have to say, but because I'm not really "with them" right then and there. I'm on that fuzzy station again, you know that loud annoying voice in our heads.
Earth to mom! Did you even here what I just said?
Ummmm can you just repeat it?
I'm either in the past beating myself up for the mistakes I've made along the way or thinking about the future and how I can't control what is going to happen in my life. Focusing on my past mistakes or worrying about the unknown, it's not a great place to be. It shouldn't be that hard to tune in and focus on the here and now. So why is it?
Everyday tasks, listening to that noisy voice that is non stop in our heads, not our inner spirit. We are filled with self doubt and anxiety of what we can't control. It pulls us away from what is truly for today, this moment...right here!
It's time to yell it from the mountain tops...I'm living in the moment from here on out! I'm tuning in folks!
Part of the meditation series I'm doing, although I haven't truly committed to the meditation part yet, is listening to some inspiring words prior to taking the time to meditate.
My excuse, "I don't have enough time to do that." When, actually, time is all we really have. It's just how we choose to use it. Whether or not time controls us or we take control of time and become in sync with it.
Starting out taking just 10 minutes a day to do something for you, something centering, something to get you grounded in the here and now. Let the outside world melt away and focus on your inner peace.
For me, I need to start a routine, maybe 10 minutes in the morning with no distractions or interruptions, not on my phone, just being in the moment. Maybe that will lead to me taking the time to actually "meditate" during my meditation series and take the full 20 minutes. I mean come on, 20 minutes, for me, that's not being greedy or selfish, but I tend to feel that way sometimes.
What naturally tunes you in? What gets you grounded?
For me it's several things.
When I am meandering around our property, taking a walk in the park, or enjoying a quiet moment outdoors, everything else melts away and I am able to focus and enjoy the moment.
Now, I might pause to take a lot of pictures, but that centers me. The unfinished tasks, the unpaid bill I was worrying about, the unknown future, just doesn't seem as important anymore. I just don't do this often enough.
Two words...unconditional love.When I'm having a hard day, I always know going out to the barn to visit the horses, taking the dogs out for a game of catch, just sitting with a cat in my lap for a few minutes....they just melt my anxiety away.
However, often, I don't just enjoy the moment, I find a task to go along with it. Shovel stalls instead of just enjoying the beautiful creature in front of me. Pick weeds in between ball throws with the dog. Constantly multi-tasking, constantly distracted...squirrel!
My family...
They keep me grounded...they complete me, they make me laugh, they bring me joy, they make my heart full, and I am my happiest when we are all together. But with lives going in so many different directions, it is not always easy getting the quality time with them (or alone time with my husband) that I crave. But I treasure the moments we do get.
I am a constant work in progress, just ask my family. But as the years go by, the older I get, I am realizing more and more that I am in control of a lot more than I think.
I just need to train myself (and my husband!) to take more time, even 10 minutes, focusing on being in the moment, living in the here and now. Not multi-tasking. Tiny steps toward inner peace.
It's learning to say no to all the stuff that is taking up our precious days, hours, and minutes. Those things that are not truly what you are being called to do. Listening to our inner spirit not the noisy voice in our heads telling us to do this or do that, bringing up old hurts, or making us focus on the future that we can't control.
Putting time back on our side and leading a fulfilled life based on our inner spirit and not the outer world. Finding what grounds us and not being controlled by time but being in sync with it.
Wow, that sounds incredibly hard when I see it written out, but I'm going to take it 10 minutes at a time (20 once I start the actual meditating part!) and make a conscious effort to truly, live in the here and now.
Who's with me?!